Dutch/Flemish Pools

A collection of all Dutch and Flemish Pools.

Number of Stake Pools: 19

Weighted ROS: 2.59%

Created by @adavibesp

Last Updated: 1 year, 2 months ago

Ticker Name Fees Lifetime ROS Active Stake Pledge Blocks
MICRO MICRO Staking Pool 340.0 + 0.00% 0.86% 13.5K 10K 6
FLOWR FLOWR Stake Pool 340.0 + 0.00% 4.46% 231K 1K 260
STKPL Steekpoel 340.0 + 1.00% 4.59% 67.6K 10K 218
NIMUE Nimuë Lady of the Lake Pool 170.0 + 0.00% 0.00% 2.13M 800K 398
JUNO JUNO stake pool 170.0 + 3.50% 3.57% 22.2M 200K 2149
CASP Cardaspians 170.0 + 0.00% 3.99% 59.6M 100K 1163
F4ADA Friends4ADA 170.0 + 1.00% 4.40% 12.1M 300K 3233
IDEAL Ideal 170.0 + 0.00% 0.00% 427K 275K 297
WEQNT WeQanhet 170.0 + 3.00% 3.90% 9.5M 50K 1768
4ADA Staking4ADA.org 170.0 + 2.00% 4.12% 42.4M 300K 9415
NLD DutchPool NLD 170.0 + 2.00% 4.43% 678K 100K 965
BEADA BEADA Cardano stake pool 170.0 + 1.00% 0.00% 164K 81K 8
CAKE STAKE for CAKE 340.0 + 0.00% 3.37% 2.02M 250K 596
A4G ADA4Good - WMT & EarthNode Operator 340.0 + 3.00% 0.00% 46.4M 100K 7160
BLUE Blueskystaking 0PCT Pool 170.0 + 0.00% 2.95% 1.37M 75K 145
BKIND Smit Blockchain Operations 170.0 + 1.00% 4.46% 699K 125K 2490
AMS01 Cardano.Amsterdam 170.0 + 2.00% 0.00% 3.99M 200K 631
STAYK Stayk Pool 340.0 + 1.00% 0.00% 332K 30K 177
BITB Bitterbal Pool 340.0 + 1.00% 0.00% 165K 26K 15